Tuesday, June 10, 2008

new coldplay

The new Coldplay album is out, their latest since "X&Y" in 2005. Well actually I don't think it is out but either way I'm reviewing it. Titled "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends," this is the fourth studio album from Chris Martin and the boys.

First, the title. It may actually be the worst album title that I've ever seen, or at least the worst title of an album that I've actually listened to. But in the end that doesn't matter much when it comes the music. So I'll get to that.

Right from the start, it's pretty noticeable that they have expanded on their X&Y sound and not gone back to Parachutes or A Rush of Blood to the Head (my fav). Personally, I would've liked a more basic sound and less produced but that doesn't necessarily make it bad. I've listened to it roughly two times now, and it's really not bad. Like I said, it sounds too produced (Brian Eno was on it) and they've ditched a lot of piano hooks for guitar hooks. Not flying guitar solos, mind you, but some hooks.

The opening track is pretty forgettable, so we'll move on. Second track is alright but nothing special, so we'll keep moving on. There's some good rythm here, like on the song "Lost!" (another bad title). There's also some building going on throughout songs, like in "42" (yet ANOTHER bad title. What is up with these guys?). Starts slow, ends with some catchy guitar. Not bad.

"Lovers in Japan" is a good song, I'm digging the piano in it. "Reign of Love" is a slow piano song with strings. Meh. "Yes" is next with more strings and so far I think it's just average. "Chinese Sleep Chant" is pretty forgettable and almost instrumental.

So the album has started out decently, but then gotten off track in the middle. What will come next?

I'm immediately digging the strings in "Viva la Vida," and it's my favorite song so far. Next is "Violet Hill," the first single off the album I believe. I like it. Driving drums and pretty sick guitar. Great song and much better than "Clocks" or "Speed of Light." "Strawberry Swing" is a great song as well, completing a neat little trifecta here. It just rolls along sweetly right up through the end; very enjoyable. "Death and All His Friends" starts slow but then a little past halfway kicks in and becomes an enjoyable song. No, this isn't Fix You pt. 2. Last we have "The Escapist" which isn't great but works as a closer to fade the album out.

Overall, I'd give it a 6.7/10 which isn't bad at all. It's overproduced but I'm sure it'll grow on me and there's a nice little clump of four pretty darn good songs in a row. You know how I know you're gay? You read this review.

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